Knutson, Brian, Elliott Wimmer, Scott Rick, Nick Hollon, Drazen Prelec, and George Loewenstein (2008), “Neural Antecedents of the Endowment Effect,” Neuron, 58, 814-822. by boxcar-admin | Jul 25, 2008 | Judgment and Decision Making, Research
Loewenstein, George, Scott Rick, and Jonathan D. Cohen (2008), “Neuroeconomics,” Annual Review of Psychology, 59, 647-672. by boxcar-admin | Jul 25, 2008 | Judgment and Decision Making, Research
Rick, Scott and George Loewenstein (2008), “Hypermotivation,” Journal of Marketing Research, 45 (6), 645-648. by boxcar-admin | Jul 25, 2008 | Judgment and Decision Making, Research